I know I know I've been M.I.A again lately.
As you can see in the picture below or if you follow me on instagram @ashley.reed
You can see that I had a little incident.
Yep! Last week I attempted to take my daughter to a "Science expo" at her school and proceeded to slip on water and fall right down on my knee. NOT ON MY BELLY of course that was the major concern! Baby boy was all good still kicking around like a crazy man. I however was in excruciating pain. So now we get to add this to our "things to NOT do when you are pregnant" list. It's a pretty big list. I'm afraid to go anywhere now. I've been hopping, scooting along and using crutches. Which by the way despite popular belief are not comfortable! They are extremely painful to your hands, armpits and a little pregnancy weight and bam! You got a miserable mama!
So I had a week of being a couch potato watching some reality home makeover shows. Trying not to be bored. But the same scene gets old after awhile.
So when it was sunday and it was the day of our little family tradition in New England. I demanded we go. I didn't care of the pain I didn't want us to miss out. Apple Hill farm has done an awesome military appreciation day every year and I did not want us to miss it this year.
So we got me in the car with my crutches drove up to New Hampshire just in time for the festivities to start. But we didn't have very long so we had to cram in things {well the husband and Riley did} I was stuck on bench. But hey at least I was outside and it was a nice fall day. We got a bag of apples for free. Riley got to paint a pumpkin. I didn't get my apple crisp but the hubs said he will buy me a pie :) {music to a pregos ear}
Overall it was a nice family day.
He should be over a pound and 1/2 now. Approximately the size of a scallion. He can hear us now.
We like to play this game of telling him not to kick us and then watch him kick away. Pretty amusing to me.
I'm finishing up my baby registry and nesting as much as I can. After all once halloween hits the months go by extremely fast. I only have 98 days/14 weeks left til my due date!

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