I'm finally nearing the end of this pregnancy and.....{drum roll please} I've ditched the crutches! I'm still not entirely 100% but it's better than being attached to those annoying things 24/7.
Nesting is in full swing. I've been cleaning stuff out, trashing stuff, and selling stuff. Especially now that I can actually walk! It's liberating to have a clean house again!
I almost have his little baby nook all done too {post coming soon}. Getting all the bags ready for the hospital {post coming soon too} It's all going so fast and life is about to change drastically! It's totally blowing my mind! Can't wait to see his little face and smell that new baby smell.
Baby is about 4 pounds {about the size of a pineapple} and he's passed the 17-inch mark. His skeleton is hardening and he's quickly losing the wrinkled alien look.
I officially can't wear my wedding ring now. My feet are puffy and swollen and I can't fit into most of my shoes. AND my belly button has been sticking out for weeks. My cravings are still the same. Cheeseburgers are a constant for me but rarely get to have them. Dessert is another weakness. All my ideas of eating healthy during this pregnancy went out the window a long time ago. I tried I really did. But nothing I planned on for this pregnancy has happened. So I throw my hands up. I'm not the boss! :)
My only favorite thing about all of this has been feeling my baby move around. He kicks all the time mostly when people try to talk to him or touch my belly. He's already so protective of me. {Or that's what I tell myself at least}
.......Until next time. Hopefully I can get more posts up before baby comes.

Top: Oldnavy.com {maternity}
Leggings: Forever21.com
Vest: Forever21.com
Belt: Charlotterusse.com
Boots: Discountwomansdressshoes.com
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