Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Conversations with a six year old

Riley: We all need to be together not a part

Daddy:  We are all together you are so close to me I could spit on you

Riley: Don't! I bet you can't it would fall on the floor.

Daddy: Don't underestimate somebody with gapped teeth.

Riley: Do I look like an indian or a witch?

Mommy: You look like a nun.

Riley: What's a nug?

{Watching TV}
Mommy: We haven't seen it in such a long time.....

Riley: Ugh I shouldn't have asked.

{Opens gate}
Riley: I opened it with my head!!

Mommy: Riley why are you not in the shower?

Riley: I was getting in the shower.

Mommy: How long have you been up there?

Riley: 14 hours

{Talking about playing with her friends}
Riley: Every time we play altogether the nonsense starts.
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