Friday, June 16, 2017

Fashion Friday

It's my last weekend before I'm off to Dallas! I've been so nervous but this last week I've had this peace. I'm done worrying and stressing about it. I'm just going to do me. That's all I can do right? Be myself and do my best. 
Anxious to see what happens though, like anxious to see how a movie or tv series ends. If you want to follow me along during the trip make sure you are following me on all my social media platforms.

 twitter @meadowsandreeds
instagram: @ashley.reed
snapchat: @ashleyreed87

Shop my Outfit 

Bodysuit: Target {SHOP}
Shorts: H&M {SHOP}
Hat: RMC Boutique 
Boots: Belk
Necklace: CharlotteRusse



I'd love to hear from you!

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