Friday, August 9, 2019

Fashion Friday {Working Girl}

I am here reporting on this lovely Friday a little late in the day. I've had a very, very busy week. I'm just glad I made it through. We got the call on Monday afternoon that little man got into Preschool. So we rushed around to find him last minute supplies so he was ready to start on Tuesday. I finally had an answer to what my life was going to look like. Except I still had no idea what was coming my way. I was having my mixed emotions about the new normal and potentially being home alone with no kids. I however got thrown into a very crazy schedule. 
I had been in talks with my friend who owns a boutique downtown. I honestly thought it wasn't going to work out because of my not so open schedule. The shifts would've worked but the travel time would not. Luckily she was willing to work with me. I immediately scheduled an interview just a mere three hours after I dropped both kids off at school. I had a little alone time and went shopping and then downtown. 
Then this girl who has not worked an actual job in 10-11 years got hired on the spot. The rest of the week has been crazy. Training, learning how to multi-task again, car line. Now it's Friday and I'm ready to for the weekend break with my kids. I might stay in on the couch for a good long while. But we'll see skies the limit. 

I'm really excited for some new things I got coming your way. 
I'm going to have a focus on some home decor soon. So keep an eye on what's to come! 


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