Friday, July 10, 2020

Real Talk

 I'm ready for some normalcy. I feel like I've been stuck in this house for years. I know I have done some traveling. I'm getting ready for my 4th trip out of the home in a couple of weeks. But it still feels like I have cabin fever. Maybe it's the uncertainty of things still. "I want to go to this place but are they open?" and "What are the new hours of this place?" or "Why are the store still out of stock of so many things?" I can't even get my kids some shorts because I can't find them. You can't try anything on so you have to make multiple trips back to the store to return things. Only to find they are now out of stock of all those items. I know, I know real world problems here. There are people dying all over the country. There are people out of jobs and yes Black lives do matter! 
There's a call for some normalcy and a call for some change. This is the most chaotic, abnormal, strange, anxious, depressing year ever. 
We leave in this new uncertainty. This is our new normal. All those feelings I just mentioned. That's how I felt this whole week. I swung my mood around so crazy my own head was spinning. 
Now that I'm coming back down to my own reality. I am realizing some things. 
You have to fight for the good not just for other people. For yourself, in yourself. It's literally a constant battle. We are taking a hard look at ourselves and we have to fight to change it. Change all the negative in your life. Even the negative you tell yourself when you're alone. You whisper it to yourself. You hear the words in your head. 

Stop comparing.
Stop criticizing.
You are not a failure.
Block and shut down the things that trigger you. Trigger those bad feelings. 
Confront the bad feelings in a relationship. 
Take everything one step at a time.
Be productive in the smallest things.
Be optimistic instead of pessimistic.
Feel the joy in everything around you.

Walk, run, sleep, watch a sunset/sunsrise
Plan a trip
Make something/ Be creative

Matthew 11:28 
Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest for your souls.

1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Hebrews 4:11
Therefore let us be diligent to enter that rest so that no one will fall. 

...and well all else fails turn your dress into a duster/vest/jacket.

Have a great weekend all!


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